Monday, June 24, 2019

pics from 2019, Oz & US

It's a new year, and the first thing I do is take the boat out of the water to install depth and speed logs and get rid of that old Cape Horn wind steering that's decided not to work anymore.  And add some bottom paint.

Well at least the wind instrument and Auto pilot works.  28000nm since leaving Texas.  If I had been sailing nonstop I would have been home by now.  But I'm not even half way yet after 6 years.  Hell what's the rush.

Old instruments removed.  Now patching the holes.

3 coats of paint and then I drill holes in the bottom of the boat.

All work completed.  No drips No runs No errors.  Just hoping everything works

Time for a holiday.  Been working too hard.  Plus I need to renew my visa by flying out of Australia.  So might as well go home since I haven't been there in a couple of years.  This will be the first time me and Phil has been home at the same time since we left, so might as well have a family reunion with the other siblings and cousins and Aunts and friends.

My dad's sisters, Aunt Anna and Aunt Rita

Alton aka Brother, Phillip aka Gene, Frank aka Al, Cheryl, Aaron, Agatha aka Aggie

Then a flight to California to visit friends.

And to visit family.

Back to Texas and hanging out with some buddies from the Ebony Boaters.

Bought my self a drone since Santa didn't bring me one.  Test flight over the old homestead.

One of my jobs was to fix the light that Dad installed 30 years ago.  Just change the bulb.
That didn't do it, found broken wire underground.
Turn the switch on.

Last night in town - take the nieces and nephews out for dinner

Made it back to Oz in April and the boat is still afloat.
Now to try and solve the problems with all this new electronics - like AIS not working, Radar not working (bad cables out of the box)  But to top it off it keeps rebooting, usually when I'm operating the network form the Ipad.  Damn it.

Put the sails back on and installing reefing lines
Now add a little varnish like 6 coats and I'm ready to go.

When lil bro get his boat ready and the weather is right I'm outta here.  It's getting cold And it's the middle of June and my visa will be over in a couple weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Happy to see your photos again. Its been a while. Just missed "The Briscoes" visiting Hawaii
